
Challenges in Estimating Time-Varying Epidemic Severity Rates from Aggregate Data
Outlier Ranking for Large-Scale Public Health Data

Outlier Ranking for Large-Scale Public Health Data

Joshi, Townes T., Gormley, Neureiter, Wilder, Rosenfeld
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, 2024
Smooth Multi-Period Forecasting with Application to Prediction of COVID-19 Cases

Smooth Multi-Period Forecasting with Application to Prediction of COVID-19 Cases

Tuzhilina, Hastie, McDonald, Tay, Tibshirani
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2024
Evaluation of FluSight influenza forecasting in the 2021-22 and 2022-23 seasons with a new target laboratory-confirmed influenza hospitalizations

Evaluation of FluSight influenza forecasting in the 2021-22 and 2022-23 seasons with a new target laboratory-confirmed influenza hospitalizations

Mathis, Webber, León, Murray, Sun, White, Brooks, Green, Hu, McDonald, Rosenfeld, Shemetov, Tibshirani, et al.
medRxiv, 2023
Computationally Assisted Quality Control for Public Health Data Streams

Computationally Assisted Quality Control for Public Health Data Streams

Joshi, Mazaitis, Rosenfeld, Wilder
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2023
Comparing Trained and Untrained Probabilistic Ensemble Forecasts of COVID-19 Cases and Deaths in the United States

Comparing Trained and Untrained Probabilistic Ensemble Forecasts of COVID-19 Cases and Deaths in the United States

Ray, Brooks, Bien, Biggerstaff, Bosse, Bracher, Cramer, Funk, Gerding, Johansson, Rumack, Wang, Zorn, Tibshirani, Reich
International Journal of Forecasting, 2022
Collaborative Hubs: Making the Most of Predictive Epidemic Modeling

Collaborative Hubs: Making the Most of Predictive Epidemic Modeling

Reich, Lessler, Funk, Viboud, Vespignani, Tibshirani, Shea, Schienle, Runge, Rosenfeld, Ray, Niehus, Johnson, Johansson, Hochheiser, Gardner, Bracher, Borchering, Biggerstaff
American Journal of Public Health, 2022
Recalibrating Probabilistic Forecasts of Epidemics

Recalibrating Probabilistic Forecasts of Epidemics

Rumack, Tibshirani, Rosenfeld
PLOS Computational Biology, 2022
Epidemic Tracking and Forecasting: Lessons Learned from a Tumultuous Year

Epidemic Tracking and Forecasting: Lessons Learned from a Tumultuous Year

Rosenfeld, Tibshirani
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021
An Open Repository of Real-Time COVID-19 Indicators

An Open Repository of Real-Time COVID-19 Indicators

Reinhart, Brooks, Jahja, Rumack, Tang, Agrawal, Al Saeed, Arnold, Basu, Bien, Cabrera, Chin, Chua, Clark, Colquhoun, DeFries, Farrow, Forlizzi, Grabman, Gratzl, Green, Haff, Han, Harwood, Hu, Hyde, Hyun, Joshi, Kim, Kuznetsov, La Motte-Kerr, YJ Lee, K Lee, Lipton, Liu, Mackey, Mazaitis, McDonald, McGuinness, Narasimhan, O’Brien, Oliveira, Patil, Perer, Politsch, Rajanala, Rucker, Scott, Shah, Shankar, Sharpnack, Shemetov, Simon, Smith, Srivastava, Tan, R Tibshirani, Tuzhilina, Van Nortwick, Ventura, Wasserman, Weaver, Weiss, Whitman, Williams, Rosenfeld, RJ Tibshirani
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021
Can Auxiliary Indicators Improve COVID-19 Forecasting and Hotspot Prediction?

Can Auxiliary Indicators Improve COVID-19 Forecasting and Hotspot Prediction?

McDonald, Bien, Green, Hu, DeFries, Hyun, Oliveira, Sharpnack, Tang, Tibshirani, Ventura, Wasserman, Tibshirani
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021
The US COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey: Continuous Real-Time Measurement of COVID-19 Symptoms, Risks, Protective Behaviors, Testing, and Vaccination

The US COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey: Continuous Real-Time Measurement of COVID-19 Symptoms, Risks, Protective Behaviors, Testing, and Vaccination

Salomon, Reinhart, Bilinski, Chua, La Motte-Kerr, Rönn, Reitsma, Morris, LaRocca, Farag, Kreuter, Rosenfeld, Tibshirani
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021
Causal Inference in the Time of COVID-19

Causal Inference in the Time of COVID-19

Bonvini, Kennedy, Ventura, Wasserman
arXiv, 2021
Kalman Filter, Sensor Fusion, and Constrained Regression: Equivalences and Insights

Kalman Filter, Sensor Fusion, and Constrained Regression: Equivalences and Insights

Jahja, Farrow, Rosenfeld, Tibshirani
Neural Information Processing Systems, 2019
Nonmechanistic Forecasts of Seasonal Influenza with Iterative One-Week-Ahead Distributions

Nonmechanistic Forecasts of Seasonal Influenza with Iterative One-Week-Ahead Distributions

Brooks, Farrow, Hyun, Tibshirani, Rosenfeld
PLOS Computational Biology, 2018
A Human Judgment Approach to Epidemiological Forecasting

A Human Judgment Approach to Epidemiological Forecasting

Farrow, Brooks, Hyun, Tibshirani, Burke, Rosenfeld
PLOS Computational Biology, 2017
Flexible Modeling of Epidemics with an Empirical Bayes Framework

Flexible Modeling of Epidemics with an Empirical Bayes Framework

Brooks, Farrow, Hyun, Tibshirani, Rosenfeld
PLOS Computational Biology, 2015
A Proposal for Standardized Evaluation of Epidemiological Models